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RUNNING HAS KNOCKED ME OFF MY FEET AND ONTO MY HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND TOES. I continue to bruise my body because it has fixed my ego. And cuz I like to eat: crab cakes, funnel cakes, birthday cakes, cake batter, cake icing, anything preceded by "cina" or followed by "bon", sour fizzy gummy Coke bottles, and pumpkin pies (I left in the 'S' for plurality).

My Followers


with Kathrine Switzer, first woman to run Boston, 1974 winner of New York and paver of the way to the women's Marathon event in the Olympics


meeting Bill Rodgers, cancer survivor and 4X winner of Boston and New York City marathons


Take Cover

Motorists: be honest. Do you hate pothole covers or me? If I didn't know better, based solely on the number of times you have almost driven over me rather than make contact with one of them, I'd have guessed potholes covers, but, then again, if you gave two squirrels asses, you'd take a few for me. I can accept that you hate me but more than a pothole cover? It's covered. That hurts. Let me just say that I am truly sorry you don't like sharing the road with me but you're going to have to learn to share it with pothole covers and stop swerving toward moi. What's that? Oh no, you most certainly did not suggest I run on the...you have got to be joking. I can't even say it. Maybe you should try it yourself first! I wouldn't even WALK on sidewalks if I didn't have to; those minefields of unevenness.  They are CAT scans waiting to happen! I should know! Months later, I'm holding my double A battery in its little cavity since I still can not find the freakin' cover that flew off sometime during what I hope was the biggest spill of my lifetime! I mean, were these things really designed with pedestrians in mind? I missed two races after that because my doctor said if I fell again I would break something!

If you vear near me with your car, I'm going to feed you one of my gel inserts.

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strategy to placing: be one of the only ones there.