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RUNNING HAS KNOCKED ME OFF MY FEET AND ONTO MY HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND TOES. I continue to bruise my body because it has fixed my ego. And cuz I like to eat: crab cakes, funnel cakes, birthday cakes, cake batter, cake icing, anything preceded by "cina" or followed by "bon", sour fizzy gummy Coke bottles, and pumpkin pies (I left in the 'S' for plurality).

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with Kathrine Switzer, first woman to run Boston, 1974 winner of New York and paver of the way to the women's Marathon event in the Olympics


meeting Bill Rodgers, cancer survivor and 4X winner of Boston and New York City marathons



You see a lot more on foot than you would driving around and, aside from the deer, squirrel, motor oil, archery tournament, acorn and Christmas tree trunk-related incidents, it

really has been a great way for me to take-in the world.

For example, one might ask to what, in hell, I could possibly attribute my expertise on the stages of oak tree bark rot. Plod past some for two hours, twice a week for ten weeks and you’ll have your answer!

Now, I live in a place lined with parking meters, not trees, so if you’re wondering where I’m grabbing all this shade, I’ll tell you: in much wealthier neighborhoods, that’s where! It started with wanting to see how they live. Once I saw how they lived, naturally, I wanted to pretend I lived there too (that’s me, just out for a jog near “home” every Saturday and Sunday morning, and Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, nothing suspicious here.). Then I came to realize: rich people have the best garbage. So, once I felt I had successfully blended in, I focused on gaining as much insight as I could about my subjects – and previewing what goods I’d want to load into my car, simply by whizzing past their curbs. Through it all, preconceived stereotypes were shattered but mainly strengthened:

• Alcoholism crosses all economic lines – rich people can be drunks, too

• Rich people eat fast food. And sometimes even drop the wrappers in the road!

• Rich people don’t recycle more/less than the rest of us – but they do have shinier receptacles with the town name screen-printed on them

• If you’re rich and have graduated eighth or twelfth grade, you had a pretty big party.

• They do have people to do their lawn and they do have people to clean their pool. And they have pools. Cause they have like, really big yards.

• They apparently have nothing better to do than subscribe to newspapers. And by the way: the delivery woman on the route? Drives like a maniac! ‘Does U-turns wherever and whenever she pleases! Damn-near hit me! I ought to report her! I pay over twenty thousand dollars in taxes to live in this town!

• At this moment, a rich person could be putting out beaded board, china cabinets, tiffany lamps, framed art, Price Fischer play things for the kiddies, you name it – to be hauled off – and while you blurred away in your vehicle, I was scoring it all because I did my research!

I know. Unfair of me to generalize – I can’t truly know them until I’ve walked a mile in their shoes, whereas showering in their sprinklers? It’s made me feel a lot closer.

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strategy to placing: be one of the only ones there.