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RUNNING HAS KNOCKED ME OFF MY FEET AND ONTO MY HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND TOES. I continue to bruise my body because it has fixed my ego. And cuz I like to eat: crab cakes, funnel cakes, birthday cakes, cake batter, cake icing, anything preceded by "cina" or followed by "bon", sour fizzy gummy Coke bottles, and pumpkin pies (I left in the 'S' for plurality).

My Followers


with Kathrine Switzer, first woman to run Boston, 1974 winner of New York and paver of the way to the women's Marathon event in the Olympics


meeting Bill Rodgers, cancer survivor and 4X winner of Boston and New York City marathons



On the way back from a three-miler near my house a very cute dog with a very dumb owner started (what do you call it? When they’re excited so they only take small bites?) “engaging” my ankles. I thought, “Wow, this guy really loves his dog and all he wants is for me to love him, too”. I remember thinking there was something so sweet and infuriatingly negligent about that. In this, a similar pickle just on a different day, I decided to shoot him a look – the kind that he could interpret however he wanted, and of course, that he could not prove in any courtroom. He called out from behind a car he thought he’d just the same proceed to fix, “He just wants to play”. I thought of all the young children that might be about and bit down on my tongue until all that I could manage from the slit between my lips was “I don’t”.

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strategy to placing: be one of the only ones there.